28 May 2008

faithful friend

I have been asleep all day. I am not sure why, I had a big day planned. I didn't wake until ten, then kept falling asleep again. I don't feel unwell at all. I think maybe my study and a full day of speaking in Italian then watching an Italian film with friends last night caught up with me.

Each time I woke a pair of eyes watched me move. The ragamuffin made no attempt to jump up at me, no scratching at the bed covers, no barking or trying to make me get up. When I let him out I forgot to feed him, forgot to check his water. Each time I got up and went back to bed he waited patiently beside me.

Finally I made a cuppa and got some food for myself. He watched, noiselessly, his head just touching my knee when I sat down. He has never been so quiet. I went to reward him and found that he had finished his food (a rare event) and had hardly any water left.

It leaves you feeling pretty humble, really, that kind of devotion. He's not such a bad wee thing after all!

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