9 May 2009


from another artist blog;

"Don't miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow
looking for that pot of gold."
~Author unknown

After I had posted this I read it again and thought: This message is for me. Stop being so busy, and enjoy the lovely long evenings now that summer is finally here.

So, too lazy/tired to go walking, to be self-indulgent I researched a little more and found a beautiful tribute to Andrew Wyeth on the same artist blog.

Often when you paint commisions you learn more about what you are not than about what you are. I have always considered myself a colourist who preferred a bright palette, but now I am not so sure. As I look at the work of Graham Sydney, Andrew Wyeth, and Michael Shepherd to name just a few, I realise that I am being pulled more and more to pared-back images, the lean glazes I love to build up, and a more limited palette. Still a tonal painter, still a figurative painter, but maybe less of a colourist?

Food for thought. I wonder if it is a reaction to the opulence of art in Italy? Or has this urge always been there, as I have long been a fan of these artists even though my own work was very different from theirs? Or tomorrow, when I step out into the beautiful light and the warmth of the ancient buildings will I be back to where I was again?

I do know, though, that it is not that I am sparing with paint that I like to glaze with small amounts of pigment in a carrying medium. I simply don't enjoy large amounts of paint on a canvas, no matter how dramatic and moving the work might be.

It is/was very fashionable to say "I am" in art. I think it is easier to say "I am not..."

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