19 June 2009

scary stuff

No, not the scaffolding, I am much more comfortable up there now. This week my angel Saturday has been absent, so I take extra care as there would be a long wait before anyone found me if I fell. The rest of the workers are in another part of the building and it is a quiet space I occupy these days.

Home from work a little early I was indulging myself surfing through my emails and Facebook. Facebook suggested I might like to be friends with someone I haven't seen for two years, got to know only a little, and have exchanged emails with very briefly quite some time ago. Just how much does google know about me?

I have long been annoyed, amused, and interested in the advertisements that pop up alongside my google mail, indicating that every word we write is being scanned.

Yes I did click on the "add to friends" link, wondering why this person has been brought back to my attention. Now to see if she wants to add me to her list of friends...?

I don't think that I have anything to hide, but it does bother me a little how "public" my "private" communications might be!

Today I am grateful for sure footing on high scaffolding.

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