15 July 2009

bits and pieces

Talking to myself this morning...

The weeds are growing far too much for this time of the year. It must be all the thunderstorms we had, with unseasonal down-pours. Time to get the grass cut again! I'm no longer scared of them but I still have a healthy respect for snakes.

Today is market day, and this time I will go.

Sunday our rained-out concert will be on again, so all the paintings will go upstairs for a mini exhibition at the same time. Maybe. Or maybe not. Shall I just go and enjoy the concert?

And thinking of concerts, here is a link to a local artist, Benedetto Vecchio, performing his new song Cassino 1944. If you listen carefully you will hear "neozelandese" in there as the troops are mentioned.

Their official and very interesting website is here, but I can't seem to get to the English version at the moment. And, if you want to explore further, check out the links to the local culture in this Wikipedia entry for MBL and Benedetto Vecchio.

Today I grateful for musicians and their music.

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