29 January 2010

bmi still 26 and 11+ a day is not easy

Day of reckoning coming up. No exercise (climbing up and down ladders doesn't count if you eat sweetened condensed milk to reward yourself) and eating as you please does not a trim Nonna make.

Darn it.

It's winter, it's cold, and hot chocolate is tempting. Soups are great... but not seven days a week.

Christmas food has now all gone. The fruit bowl is full. The carrots and celery are on the table, not in the fridge. Work has progressed well enough to allow a little exercise time.

There are no excuses left!

The goal of a BMI of 23 shouldn't be too hard to achieve, should it?

1 comment:

Feijoa said...

you would think but I'm struggling with winter weather food and the fact I'll be in a bikini in two weeks. EEK!