2 September 2011

once in a lifetime

Tonight I took Kiwi and KiwiAussie friends to a concert, the last event in the Severino Gasselloni series for the year. One of them said, on the way home, that it was a "once in a lifetime experience".

The pianist was superb, and while I couldn't see her well I could certainly appreciate her music. I could see the flautist whose fingers "rippled" at such speed I couldn't actually see them move. Only the light catching the top of his hand as it rippled confirmed that he really was playing those incredible notes. The sweet notes were clear and pure, and the warmer mellow sounds rich and full. His finger work was incredible.

The soprano? What a voice! I have no idea what she sang, other than Ave Maria as an encore. The songs were all from well known operas, but the words didn't matter. I was lost in her voice. Her singing (singing is too small a word) was so effortless, so powerful, so sweet and so pure. I have heard a lot of wonderful sopranos but never one quite like her.

Yes, that really was a once in a lifetime experience.

The programme for the week has been:
Giovedì 25 Agosto Roccasecca Via Roma Ore 21,30
Gran Galà della Lirica con la partecipazione di

Grande Orchestra Sinfonica UDMURTIA e Coro Lirico Teatro CRAIOVA
Presentano la serata Roberta GANGERI e Tonino BERNARDELLI

Domenica 28 Agosto Roccasecca Scalo P.za Risorgimento Ore 21,30
Concerto Coro Lirico Teatro CRAIOVA e Pianoforte Florian Zamfir, direttore
Voce solista TANIA DI GIORGIO, soprano

In un percorso storico musicale nell’Unità d’Italia
Presenta e Conduce Tonino BERNARDELLI

Martedì 30 Agosto Piazzetta medioevale del castello Ore 21,30
Pianoforte in Concerto

Giovedì 1 Settembre Serata itinerante

Colle S.Magno Chiesa di S.Magno Ore 21,30
Alessandro CROSTA e Nadia TESTA
Ospite Rosalba SCUTIERI, soprano


No photos I am sorry, but I'll find you some links if I can. But now, to sleep and dream!

Alessandro Crosta and Nadia Testa (TV programme, there is a spoken intro and a display of flutes first. Interesting for the flutes rather than the performance).

Today I am grateful for a full house.

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