1 September 2013

and on and on...

guests, quotes for printing, applications, housework, gardening, applications, guests, repairs, maintenance, improvements, guests, applications, gelato (oops), concert, walking out on concert to focus on applications, bookings, bookings, checking up on bookings, car repairs, sweeping, cleaning, warrant of fitness (the car, not me),

I'm not complaining, I don't want to do less. In fact, I'd love to do more! I just wish that I could replicate myself so that one version was sleeping while the other worked or played!

But somewhere in there I squeezed a couple of hours of "Spanish" fun...

and tomorrow my favourite tenor is performing, so I have a NIGHT OFF from all of the above. I smile and relax at the thought of it. Music really does feed the soul!

and then, on Monday...


guess which trio is coming to stay?

Life is good.

Today I am grateful for quotes, bookings and a capable assistant. 

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